Encouraging saints around the world since 1991 !!

Translated into Dutch by 
Johan Komrij,  from the Netherlands




[KARAOKE VIDEO 2 - gezongen]


[Midi-karaoke file 1]            [Midi-karaoke file 2]
   `        Sequenced by: Fred Scorza        Sequenced by: Adrian Vermeulen

Een levendige viering van de
opstanding van Christus

Halleluja, Jezus is Heer

Halleluja, Jezus is Heer.
Halleluja, dood is niet meer.
Halleluja, hoop is er weer.
Halleluja, Jezus is Heer.


Hij lag dood in het graf,
alle hoop was sneeuw voor de zon.
Hij stond op; ja, Hij leeft!
Hij is 't die onze dood overwon.


Door mijn zonden op weg
naar de hel en duisternis,
maar ik leef door mijn Vriend,
die de hemelpoort open doet.


Door de Zoon leven wij
en verlangen Zijn wederkomst.
Plots met trompetgeschal
haalt Verlosser Jezus ons op!

Halleluja, Jezus is Heer!!

Literal translation of Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord:

Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord.
Hallelujah, death is no more.
Hallelujah, there is hope again.
Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord.

1. He lay dead in the grave,
all hope was like snow in the sun.
He arose (stood up); yes, He lives!
It's Him who conquered our death.

2. Through my sins on the way
to hell and darkness,
but I live through my Friend,
who opens the heaven's gate.

3. Through the Son we live
and are longing for His return.
Suddenly Savior Jesus takes us
 with trumpet blare.


The original can be found here:


Written by: Ralph P. Merrifield, Dutch translation: Johan Komrij

Translation Tips

Lyrics to translate (set #1)
Lyrics to translate (set #2)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Dutch Translations Page

Johan's other Karaoke files


Copyright 2001, Stephen M. Misarski (written 1997)
Administered by:  New Hope Music,
PO Box 1612, Westboro MA 01581

You have our encouragement and permission
to duplicate and share this song for all "not-for-profit" purposes
(ie. corporate worship, overheads, songbooks, 
web sites, give-away copies).
Please contact New Hope for other uses. Thanks !!!

Pastoor Steve Misarski