He Does Hear Our Pleas!


One step in faith will find our God,

when we His calling hear.

‘t Is He Who our salvation wrought

and He is always near.


Our “Yes Lord” will decide our fate

and bring us to our knees.

‘t Is His love that will set us straight,

and He does hear our pleas.


The Lord is faithful, knows His own

and He completes the task.

He grows the seed when it is sown,

all we need do is ask.


His love and mercy and His grace

to all He does extend.

But we must first His love embrace,

He’ll then His Spirit send.


Oh Love Divine, oh wondrous thought,

that You so for us care.

‘t Is Jesus blood our pardon bought,

He all our sins did bear.


Oh, may we witness to Your love

and follow Your command.

That as You watch us from above,

we to Your vineyard tend.


Adrian Vermeulen-Miller

Computer File
(right click and "Save Target As" to download)

Abiding Grace-(FM)p.mid

Abiding Grace.pdf

Abiding Grace.wps

Abiding Grace-D(FM).pdf

Abiding Grace-D(FM)p.mid





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