ࡱ> Root Entry( Jrϔ MatOST샦ϔϔMMMN0  !"#$&NDS  $     =/d t 2T Advent His coming was foretold in prohecies of old. His name to be: Immanuel, Who would with mankind dwell. A Son of noble birth would come down to this earth. He would be born of Jesses stem arrive in Bethlehem. Soon we will celebrate that glorious, joyful date, when Christ was born in Bethlehem, Wholl wear a diadem. But first Hell heal and teach the multitudes to reach. A crown of thorns, a cruel cross, His life would seem a loss. Yet, when His work is done, all odds Hell overcome. Defeating pain and death and hell, oer all He will excell. Adrian Vermeulen-Miller _xyuyouiu$  8Niqqkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk !/SjlC]_xz|~yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Times New Roman =/=/d ( JrMicrosoft Works MSWorksWPDoc9qCompObj%U