He Will His Pardon Give
When you do hear the Master’s voice,
then tarry not, just go.
For you will evermore rejoice,
when you the Master know.
There is no greater Friend than He,
not one that has such grace.
Yes, He will truly set you free,
your tears with joy replace.
Your life will never be the same,
for He will be your Guide.
Yes, all of you your Lord will claim,
He will with you abide.
Each day will have a brighter glow,
His light will shine on you.
Your Lord will make His blessings flow,
He will make all things new.
Ask Him to teach you in His ways,
so you His will may do.
He will assist you all your days,
for He is wholly true.
And should you stumble or you fall,
ask Him then to forgive.
For He will hear your ev’ry call,
He will His pardon give.
Adrian Vermeulen-Miller
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New Hope Music
Last updated 4/4/05
visits since 7/20/04