Hallowed Be Your Name (2)
Your name always be hallowed, with rev’rence and respect.
Who fathoms Your grandeur of creation,
the heavens and the earth, the sun we do expect,
and all Your works in harmony at station.
Your name always be hallowed in Jesus Christ, our Lord,
Rock to all the people born to this life,
Your name always be hallowed in Jesus Christ, our Lord.
For You are the Way and Truth, and our Life.
Your name always be hallowed with reverence and fear.
Your greatness, Lord, most holy is Your name.
The flowers and the trees, all creatures that are here,
the wonder of it all, and all bears Your name.
Your name always be hallowed by people ev’rywhere.
People born as God created their life,
all people now alive, but also all our forebear,
they must resist injustice and avoid strife.
Dutch text: Jan Blei. Music: Henk Ruiter
English translation: Adrianus Vermeulen
Copyright Unisong BV, Lindenheuvel 3, P.O. Box 2305, 1200 CH Hilversum, The Netherlands.
Website: http://www.europeanchoralclub.com/ Catalogue 6
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New Hope Music
Last updated 11/15/05
visits since 7/20/04