Because I know how great You are!
When I behold Your works in all their splendour,
‘t is then I know how great You are.
The highest mountains and the deep blue waters:
Lord, You are great, how great You are.
The animals, the birds, flowers and fishes,
You made them all, and all for me
In gratefulness I sing my praises to You:
Lord, You are great, how great You Are!
I thank You Lord, for sending Your Son Jesus:
Lord, You are great, how great You are.
Because of Him we now may live forever:
Lord, You are great, how great You are,
that You my sins for always have forgiven,
that You from bondage set us free.
And ev’ry day is now a new beginning:
Lord, You are great, how great You are!
I thank You Lord, for all new life beginning:
Lord, You are great, how great You are.
For all the beauty that You have provided:
Lrd, You are great, how great You are.
Blest is the day that finally I meet You,
my soul rejoices for that time.
I’ll sing my praises with the angels’ chorus,
because I know how great You are!
Dutch text & music: L. v.d. Leeden
English translation: Adrianus Vermeulen
Copyright Unisong BV, Lindenheuvel 3, P.O. Box 2305, 1200 CH Hilversum, The Netherlands.
Website: Catalogue 4
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New Hope Music
Last updated 11/12/05
visits since 7/20/04