Behold How Mighty Is His Love

Behold how mighty is the love

that Jesus Christ on us bestows.

While oft we snub our Lord above,

His love, unerring, to us flows.

Yes even me, a big offender,

must to such love my life surrender.

Oh, how He changes all my thinking,

yes, 't is my soul that for Him longs.

He perseveres with love and caring

till all of me to Him belongs.

A glorious life You've chosen for me,

Your loving call has truly set me free.

Your Name You've written on my soul,

for it is Yours and always was.

Nor will You rest until I am whole,

committed to Your Holy cause.

In work, in play, in all my being,

my Saviour's Name I will be singing.

To you I must completely yield,

and to this earthly life not cling.

In all I do, You are my shield,

't is only You, Who peace does bring.

In You there's peace, and rest, and joy,

when daily I remain in Your employ.

Based on a hymn by: G. Tersteegen.

English text, a paraphrase in part:

Adrian Vermeulen-Miller

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