ࡱ>   Root Entry( Jr][ۣ@ MatOST 6Rۣ 6RۣMMMN0z   !"#$%&'()*+,-.0NDST=z  =/8d;t T When God Is On My Side When God, my God is on my side, who can prevail against me? Even stress and tears I take in stride, and they will serve to bless me. The angels then with me abide, at night the stars will be my guide, at day the flowers greet me. The darkest clouds, whateer betide, my Shepherd stilll is near me. When by lifes storms severely tried, His staff will surely guide me. Rivers of water, deep and wide, near pastures green I will reside, my Saviour always near me. I have my Lord, that will suffice, who would I need beside Him? It was His loving sacrifice, that filled my cup up to the brim. My greatest treasure, help in need, He is my truest Friend indeed and I may always praise Him. After a hymn by Jan J. L. ten Kate (1819-89) English text: Adrian Vermeulen-Miller Als God, mijn God, maar voor mij is --- When God Is On My Side --- A paraphrase When God Is On My Side When God, my God is on my side MYSIDE When God, my God is on my side When God Is On My Side MYSIDE When God Is On My Side Als God, mijn God, maar voor mij is Text: Jan J.L. ten Kate (1818-89) English text: Adrian Vermeulen-Miller Melody: Nikolaus Decius (d.1541) Harmony: Johanna Wagenaar (b.1900) Gez201 File: MYSIDE (b 6CY[;={u{okg{oaoaoao[o{$  (+LiAaqqkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk !a  0Nm&NPRTVXZ\yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy\^`bAC[3579;=yyyssssssssssssysyy= a\=Times New Roman =/8=/8d ( JrMicrosoft Works MSWorksWPDocCompObj/U9q