We Know That We To You Belong


Come let us worship now our Lord

and raise to Him a mighty chord.

Praise Him for blessings ev’ry day,

for guidance in our work and play.


Our Lord is merciful and kind,

a greater Friend no one can find.

His grace and power are reowned,

His love for us deep and profound.


Come serve Him with a grateful heart

and never from His ways depart.

His way is truth and life and love,

the kind He sends us from above.


Oh Lord please hear the praise we bring

and grant Your blessings as we sing.

Where we are weak, Lord, You are strong,

we know that we to You belong.


Arian Vermeulen-Miller

MIDI and PDF Files
(right click and "Save Target As" to download)

Puer Nobis Nascitur-(DM).mid

Puer Nobis Nascitur-(DM)327.mid

Puer Nobis Nascitur.pdf

Puer Nobis Nascitur.wps

Puer Nobis Nascitur-D(DM).mid

Puer Nobis Nascitur-D(DM).pdf





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New Hope Music


Last updated 10/6/04

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