Holy, Holy, Holy Is His Name!
Merciful God, we bring You praise.
Glad hosannas and anthems raise.
You, our God, are mighty and strong,
King o’er all Your vast domain.
All of us to You belong,
You for evermore will reign.
Heavenly hosts sing praise above,
hail Your mercy and grace and love.
All Your creatures bow down to You,
holy God, we praise Your name.
You are God, all love, all true,
now and evermore the same.
Triune God, Holy Father and Son,
Holy Spirit, all are one.
Let the heavens and earth now resound,
holy, holy, holy is His name.
Love and peace in Him are found,
praise for evermore His fame.
Adrian Vermeulen-Miller
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New Hope Music
Last updated 4/4/05
visits since 7/20/04