The Lord Of Every Nation
Lord, we now come to You,
our hearts filled with thanksgiving.
Gracious and always true,
in mercy us forgiving.
You are the Lord of lords,
the Lord of all creation.
Do hear the grateful praise,
we sing with jubilation.
Lord, we so often stray
in daily work and living.
You are our constant Stay,
Your blessings freely giving.
You are our faithful Guide,
Your wisdom will be sharing.
You always will abide,
for all Your children caring.
Yes, we have heard Your call
and come with adoration.
You are the Lord of all,
the Lord of ev’ry nation.
Help us to spread Your Word,
as willing workers bringing,
all those who have not heard,
to You, with joyous singing.
Adrian Vermeulen-Miller
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New Hope Music
Last updated 7/16/03
visits since 7/20/04