Jesus Christ Is Risen
Step forward in the Holy fray,
step out, His Word proclaiming.
Lord Jesus leads for us the way,
step out lost souls reclaiming.
Keep your eyes always on Him,
then your eyes never grow dim;
always His lost souls will then be winning.
Our gripe is not with flesh and blood,
but with Satan's contriving,
who with his hate and sinful flood,
God's children is conniving.
Battle him: he is a fraud!
Oh tell them: Jesus is God.
Be brave, Jesus blood has overcome sin.
Step out in faith, tell the good news,
that Jesus Christ is risen.
Tell all they may now freedom choose,
escape from Satan's prison.
Tell the news: Jesus is King,
that through Him death lost its sting.
Jesus offers all life everlasting.
Based on a hymn by: Johannes de Heer.
English text, a paraphrase in part:
Adrian Vermeulen-Miller
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New Hope Music
Last updated 7/16/03
visits since 7/20/04