Included in our
"Public Praise And Worship"
songbook !!
His Word, It Is Eternal
Never will we surrender for any gain on earth.
That Light is our Defender granting our second birth.
His Word, it is eternal, a Light unto our feet.
It is our daily journal until our Lord we meet.
His Word, it is eternal, a match for ev’ry foe,
for Jesus Christ, our Saiour, He says that it is so!
When old, a staff for comfort, when young, a trusted Guide.
And like the stars a pilot when we in Him abide.
‘t Is like a suit of armour to battle sin and lust.
And when we’ve lost our ardour, His Holy Word we’ll trust.
Oh write on all our being God’s love found in the Word.
When evil we are seeing we’ll press on undeterred.
Mountains may fall and crumble, turmoil on sea and land.
But Your Word does not stumle, eternally will stand.
A free paraphase on a hymn by Ds. P.J. Moeton.
English text: Adrian Vermeulen-Miller.
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New Hope Music
Last updated 3/6/05
visits since 7/20/04