Our background MIDI is
"As The Trees",
written by Ralph Merrifield,
arranged by Logan Smith (from Arkansas)
into Maltese by
from Malta
I teach music at a local church school for boys
whose ages range between 12 and 16 years.
As such I am always on the
lookout for songs with a religious message but which of course
music that appeals to the younger generation. From what I could see from
your website,
many of your songs ( I did not have the time to open all the songs
yet!) are just that.
We speak Maltese with English as a second
language. English is taught at school
as early as pregrades. So
that's the reason why your songs are good for us as they
present no problems
with regards to language.
I taught my students "As The Trees" and it was a great hit. Well
We shall be singing it during the Fifth Formers' graduation day in
promised I translated one of your songs, "As The Trees".
My students loved it so much they sing it so heartily (even in English)!!
from Malta)
The Trees
a lively Messianic chorus
along the lines of "Behold, God Is My Salvation"
As the trees in the woods lift their branches to the sky
So the people of the Lord raise their hands
To their good Creator, to the Author of Life
To the Lord, to the Maker, to the Lamb
li li li li
Li li li li li li
Li li li li li li li li li
Li li li li li
Li li li li li li
Li li li li li li li li li
As the birds in the air lift their voices to the sky
So the people of the Lord raise their song
To their good Creator, to the Author of Life
To the Lord, to the Maker, to the Lamb.
English Version: Lyrics, MIDI, MP3, PDF sheet music
Copyright 199
9, Ralph Merrifield,