"Now Our God" was written August 5, 2000 at Fransted Campground in
Franconia New Hampshire (around 1pm). My family and church friends were
attending a 4-day outdoor Christian concert (Inside-Out Soul Festival). Everyone
else in the group had gone off to the concert, and I remained behind, alone,
waiting for a friend to arrive from Massachusetts.
I had been going through a significant "dry-spell" in songwriting,
and had asked the Lord to use this camping trip to help me write again.
While sitting on a picnic table with my guitar and journal, under a birch
tree, I pulled out the Bible and turned to I Chronicles 29.
My desire was to base a new song on the text that I previously
used for "Thine, O Lord". This effort
resulted in "Yours Is The Greatness".
After singing "Yours Is The Greatness" through several times, I noticed
it ended on an emotional high "You reign!" and left the singer waiting
for a resolution.
My eyes moved to verse 13 "Now, our God, we give You thanks".
Although I wasn't planning on writing a second song, God allowed "Now Our
God" to flow out spontaneously. All I needed to do was write it
down as fast as God gave it to me. For this song, I was simply a
transcriber for the Lord.
Although quite basic, "Now Our God" is one of my favorites, and
seems to be enjoyed by others around the world.