Encouraging saints around the world
since 1991 !!
Translated into Dutch by
Johan Komrij, from the Netherlands
Sequenced by: Fred
De viering van de triomfantelijke
binnenkomst van Jezus op Palmzondag.
Hosanna ('t Is Jezus!)
Hosanna, hosanna,
gezegend is Hij die komt in de naam van de Heer.
Hosanna, hosanna,
gezegend is Hij die komt in de naam van de Heer.
Zoon van David, de Vorst van
onze Redding, 't is Jezus! Jezus!!
Hemelse vrede, glorie voor de mens,
hosanna in de hoogte. Jezus!!
Wees blij dat uw Koning op grootse
wijze komt,
Overwinnaar, 't is Jezus! Jezus!!
Literal translation of Hosanna (It's Jesus!):
Hosanna, hosanna,
blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
Son of David, the Ruler of Israel,
our Salvation, it's Jesus! Jesus!
Heavenly peace, glory to man,
hosanna in the highest. Jesus!
Be glad that your King comes in a
grand/grandiose/majestic way,
Victor, it's Jesus! Jesus!
The original can be found here:
English Version: Lyrics, MIDI, MP3, PDF sheet music
Copyright 1999, Ralph Merrifield
New Hope Music, PO Box 1612, Westboro MA 01581
You have our encouragement and permission
to duplicate and share this song for all "not-for-profit" purposes
(ie. corporate worship, overheads, songbooks,
web sites, give-away copies).
Please contact New Hope for other uses. Thanks !!!