Encouraging saints around the world for 15
years !! (1991-2006)
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Christ Our Savior Came
Christ our Savior came to earth, In a lowly manger,
With the humble and the poor, Traveled here a Stranger,
Heavens laud and bliss forsook, He, the Man of Sorrows,
Joy exchanged for grief as He, Adam’s nature borrowed.
He, the faithful Son, and pure, Ever pleased the Father,
Perfect will and Holy Word, Overcame the Tempter,
Undefiled and spotless, He, Knew no sin or guile,
Heav’nly witness proved He is, God’s anointed Child.
Why must He now prostrate lie, Crying to the Father?
Why do drops of anguish fall, Show’ring Olive’s Garden?
What befalls the Innocent, Father’s will yet seeking?
On to sinner’s judgement sore, God His Lamb is leading!
Now in Pilate’s judgement hall, His accusers railing,
Mocking, scourging, beating sore, Nothing are prevailing,
Why sits He so silently, Patiently enduring?
Will not one an answer give, His release securing?
Oh, what grace has for us wrought, None His cause is pleading,
How has love now set the course, On to Calv’ry leading,
On Himself our sins He took, Guilt and shame preferring,
For the joy before Him set, Cruel cross enduring.
"Why hast Thou forsaken me?", Plaintive cry ascending;
Only silence in return, God His ear not lending,
Sun its rays must hide to see, The Creator languish,
Earth and Temple veil are rent, At His dying anguish.
As the night before the dawn, So must darkness strengthen,
Yet when morning Sun shall rise, So its beams must lengthen,
Now eternal Day has sprung, Sin’s full payment given,
Death and hell now powerless, Christ the Lord is risen!
Zion now a vigil keeps, Earth’s vain fare e’er spurning,
Till her Bridegroom’s face she sees, At His bright appearing,
At such splendor radiant, Scoffers shall in terror,
Cry in vain as earth and heav’ns, Are dissolved by fire.
At the Throne a white-robed throng, Songs of praise are sending,
To the Lamb who for them died, In His love unending,
There a recompense untold, Joy in place of sorrow,
And for tribulation brief, Peace and rest eternal.
Copyright 2005, Steven E. Anderson.
Administered by New Hope Music, P.O. Box 1612, Westboro MA 01581
Every effort has been made to observe
existing music copyrights.
If any have been unintentionally infringed upon, please excuse the omission.
Just let us know & necessary corrections will be made promptly.
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Last updated 12/5/05