"We had a wonderful Christmas
service on Sunday.
First in the afternoon our choir visited one home for old people, we sang
Christmas songs and also first time "The Baby
of Bethlehem". It was a
precious moment with a wonderful gospel message.
After this little Christmas concert we went to Päivi´s home for coffee
(Finns always drink coffee!!) and had great fellowship with each other.
Then we had choir practice and in the Christmas meeting we sang
Baby of Bethlehem" second time. It was
powerful and full of joy...
Jesus Christ is so faithful to us and He has been carrying us through this
year again... He is so precious, the Baby of Bethlehem, the
King, He is our Friend, our All in all. Let´s worship Him!"
(Lea, from Helsinki, Finland)
Finnish translation by Lea Alaja (Finland)
(The Baby of Bethlehem)
1. Hän on Voideltu ja Messias,
Kristus, Rauhanruhtinas.
Jumala iankaikkinen
on Beetlehemin lapsonen,
on Beetlehemin lapsonen.
2. Immanuel, Poika Jumalan,
hallitsija maailman,
Hän saapui luoksemme päälle maan,
Hän, Beetlehemin lapsonen,
Hän, Beetlehemin lapsonen.
Me laulamme kunniaasi
nyt kuorossa enkelten.
Sua palvomme ainaisesti
kanssa paimenten, tietäjien.
3. On Sana tullut lihaksi,
loistaa valkeus kirkkaasti.
On lähde armon ja totuuden
Hän, Beetlehemin lapsonen,
Hän, Beetlehemin lapsonen.
4. Hän on Isä Iankaikkinen,
Neuvonantaja Ihmeellinen
ja kuningasten Kuningas
on Beetlehemin lapsonen,
on Beetlehemin lapsonen.
Me laulamme kunniaasi
nyt kuorossa enkelten.
Sua palvomme ainaisesti
kanssa paimenten, tietäjien.
5. Hän on Ystävä, Alfa, Omega,
Luoja, kaikki kaikessa,
Hän maksoi syntimme paljouden
Hän, Beetlehemin lapsonen,
Hän, Beetlehemin lapsonen.
6. Kaikki kunnia, voima ja siunaus,
viisaus, armo, laupeus,
Hän kaiken kantaa kädessään,
Hän, Beetlehemin lapsonen,
Hän, Beetlehemin lapsonen,
Hän, Beetlehemin lapsonen.
Translation from the Finnish words to English:
1. He is the Anointed One, Messiah.
Christ, the Prince of Peace,
Eternal God
is the Baby of Bethlehem,
is the Baby of Bethlehem.
2. Immanuel, the Son of God,
the Ruler of the world,
He came to us to the earth,
He, the Baby of Bethlehem,
He, the Baby of Bethlehem.
We sing your glory
in the choir of angels.
We worship you forever
with the shepherds, with the wise men.
3. The Word became flesh,
The Light is shining brightly.
He is the fountain of grace and truth,
He, the Baby of Bethlehem,
He, the Baby of Bethlehem.
4. He is the Everlasting Father,
Wonderful Councelor
and the King of kings
is the Baby of Bethlehem,
is the Baby of Bethlehem.
We sing your glory
in the choir of angels.
We worship you forever
with the shepherds, with the wise men.
5. He is the Friend, Alpha, Omega,
Creator, All in all.
He paid the multitude of our sins,
He, the Baby of Bethlehem,
He, the Baby of Bethlehem.
6. All honor, power and blessing,
wisdom, grace, mercy,
He holds everything in His hand,
He, the Baby of Bethlehem,
He, the Baby of Bethlehem,
He, the Baby of Bethlehem.
English Version: Lyrics, Chords, MP3
Copyright 2002, Ralph
New Hope Music, P.O. Box 1612, Westboro MA 01581 USA
Thank you for your help
in sharing this song with
our brothers and sisters in Finland !!!
- Ralph Merrifield