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Translated into Shona
byJones Chikasha from Africa
Contact Chik


Inoshamisa iyi nzimbo
(How Awesome Is This Place)

(Verse 1)
Ndinoona ngirozi dzichikwira nokudzika
Napamanera kubva kudenga kuuya pasi.
Padenga pakamira Ishe,
Mwari wa Abraham. Ane simba.

Inoshamisa iyi nzimbo, Baba vedu.
Yakanakisa imba yaMwari.
Huvepo hwenyu pamasuwo edenga,
Zvakanaka kuve pedyo.
Zvakanaka kuve pano.
Inoshamisa iyi nzvimbo, Oh Ishe.

Ndonzwa maropafadzo okwira nokudzika
Pamwoyo neminamato yevatsvene.
Neyanano iyi kunouya kunaka
Kwemufaro wake. Wakanaka iye!

Ngaakudzwe musharukwa wakare kare.
Akafanirwa ega kurumbidzwa.
Tichaimba nguva dzose nokuBwinya
Muri mutsvene!!

"How Awesome Is This Place"
English translation

(Verse 1)
I see angels ascending, descending
On a stairway from heaven to earth.
At the top stands the Lord, God of Abr’ham.
He is mighty.

How awesome is this place, dear Father.
How beautiful the house of God.
Your Presence at the gate of heaven,
It is good to be near. 
It is good to be here.
How awesome is this place, oh Lord.

(Verse 2)
I feel blessings ascending, descending
On the hearts and the prayers of the saints.
Through this fellowship, sweet, comes His pleasure. 
He is lovely!

(Verse 3)
To the Ancient of Days be the honor.
He is worthy alone to be praised.
We will sing through the ages in Glory
You are holy!!

Copyright © 2001 Ralph Merrifield


"Greeting my beloved brethren in The Lord, the great I AM. 
I hereby submit my first translation." Chik

Listed below are some few Shona words I used in the translations.
Shona has long words with many syllables.

Mwari (M-wa-ree) - God
Ishe - Lord
Mambo - King, also Lord or ruler
Baba - Father (also means Sir or Mr. when appended to someone's name)
Bwinya (B-wee-n-ya) - Glow
kubwinya - to glow and also Glory
Wakanaka - He/She is good (or excellent, beautiful)
Zvakanaka - it is good, excellent or perfect or beautiful
ega - alone
nguva - time or ages or period or during or duration
Rumbidza - the verb "praise"
Rumbidzo - the noun "praise"
Kurumbidza - to praise / praise him or her
Kurumbidzwa - to be praised 
Padenga - above
Denga - heaven
Kudenga - heaven
Ngirozi - angel(s)
Mutsvene - Holy
Muri - plural you are, also used for singular you are
for respected persons
Simba - power, might, strength, authority
Huvepo - the presence
Musharukwa - old man or old woman, ancient of days, of old
Wekare - of old
The second "kare" (WHICH MEANS OLD) just adds emphasis
Vedu - our (Baba vedu is our Father)
Iye - Him or her
Wa - of
e - pefix of (e.g. - edenga means of heaven)
Ane - he has or she has
Mwoyo - hearts
Moyo - heart
ndino ona - I see
Inoshamisa - it is awesome, or surprising, or amazing
or wonderful


English Version: Lyrics, MIDI, MP3, PDF sheet music


Copyright 2001, Ralph Merrifield
New Hope Music, PO Box 1612, Westboro MA 01581

You have our encouragement and permission
to duplicate and share this song for all "not-for-profit" purposes
(ie. corporate worship, overheads, songbooks, 
web sites, give-away copies).
Please contact New Hope for other uses. Thanks !!!