Encouraging people
around the world since 1991 !!
[MP3, with guitar] [MP3, voice only]
[Sheet Music] [MP3 - Johan Komrij]
I Am The Vine
(from John 15)
I am the Vine, you are the branches
He who abides in Me and I in him
He it is that bears much fruit
For apart from Me you can do nothing (repeat)
If you abide in Me and My words abide in you
Ask what you will and it shall be given to you
I am the Vine, you are the branches
He who abides in Me and I in him
He it is that bears much fruit
For apart from Me you can do nothing
He it is that bears much fruit
For apart from Me you can do nothing
Johan Komrij Karaoke Video with vocal I Am The Vine
Ralph Merrifield
MP3 Recording
I Am The Vine (with guitar)
Ralph Merrifield
MP3 Recording
I Am The Vine (vocal only)
Johan Komrij MP3 Recording I Am The Vine
Johan Komrij Sheet Music I Am The Vine
Johan Komrij Karaoke Video I Am The Vine
Michael Jester MIDI
I Am The Vine - guitar melody
Michael Jester MIDI
I Am The Vine - bassoon melody
Adrian V. Miller Sheet Music I Am The Vine
Adrian V. Miller MIDI I Am The Vine
just did a search on the Internet and found "I Am the Vine". It
will work well for an easy but fitting choir number as we close out
the singing season in May... I will also use it in school music classes in
coming weeks... the kids will like the up-beat mood of song.
principal of St.
John's Lutheran School in
Thanks for making "I am the Vine" available on the internet.
Our congregation is doing a Lenten series entitled "On the Vine,"
and I was looking for a theme song. I like it!
(Pastor Isaacson, from Wisconson)..
Sunday School is doing a unit on John 15:5...
I was so happy to find your song, "I Am The Vine"...
It's great and I'm sure we will be using it for our young ones"
(Lynette from
just downloaded "I Am The Vine" with voice and
guitar for my Sunday School class tomorrow.
What a blessing! Thank you for this precious resource."
(Nancy from
Ghana, West Africa)
Translated by Johan Komrij (from the Netherlands) Dutch Translation
Translated by Daisy Augustine (from California) Hindi Translation
of the New Kid's
I was
looking for a theme song for this year’s CCD theme.
Found the perfect song on your site entitled
“I Am the Vine.”
(Dee, from
Copyright 2003, Ralph Merrifield
New Hope Music, PO Box 1612, Westboro MA 01581
You have our encouragement and permission
to duplicate and share this song for all "not-for-profit" purposes
(ie. corporate worship, overheads, songbooks, web sites, give-away copies).
Please contact New Hope for other uses. Thanks !!!