Encouraging saints around the world
since 1991 !!
Translated into Dutch by
Johan Komrij, from the Netherlands
[VIDEO KARAOKE - gezongen, 3-stemmig]
[VIDEO KARAOKE - georchestreerd]
Sequenced by: Larry Dee
[MIDI-karaoke SATB] [MIDI-karaoke File]
Sequenced by: Victor Stockman Sequenced by: Elton Smith
Pracht, Praal En Majesteit
Pracht, praal en majesteit liggen voor U,
Uw woonplaats zijn vreugde en kracht.
Vriend’lijk, barmhartig,
vol van vergeving;
groots bent U God,
eerwaardig, eerlijk, oprecht.
Pracht, praal en
majesteit, lof, eer en glorie;
heilig bent U, o Heer,
Lam van God.
Uw liefde ontstijgt elke
Uw kracht verstoot elk
van de troon.
Trouw, genadig, dat bent
Waardig God, waardig
Machtig en sterk en altijd betrouwbaar,
op een voetstuk staat U
in gebed.
Oude van Dagen, perfect,
puur als het licht,
geprezen, miraculeus.
Lieflijk en
prachtig in al Uw schitter,
wat ons denkbeeld ver te
boven gaat.
Meester, Beschermer,
Koning, Verlosser,
Schepper van Leven, U
bent Vader en Vriend.
A literal translation of Splendor And Majesty:
Splendor, pomp and
majesty lie in front of you,
("pomp, circumstance and
majesty" might be more accurate)
strength, joy are in
your residence.
Kindly, merciful, full
of forgiveness;
great are You God,
honorable, honest, sincere.
Splendor, pomp and
majesty, praise, honor and glory;
You are holy, o Lord,
Lamb of God.
Your love transcends
every dream,
Your strength drives
everyone from the throne.
Faithful, merciful,
that's You!
Worthy God, worthy God!
Powerful and strong and
always reliable,
You are standing on a
pedestal in prayer.
Ancient of Days,
perfect, notable,
pure as the light,
praised, miraculous.
Sweet and lovely in all
your glitter,
it goes far beyond our
Master, Protector, King,
Creator of Life, You are
Father and Friend.
The song is quite
difficult to translate with all these typical words,
which makes it almost
impossible to translate as accurate as possible.
Most important for me is
to keep the right feeling to it,
the overwhelming power
of the words within the song.
Simply said: our God is
too big for us human beings to describe in words.
May this song be an
inspiration to everyone who absorbs the sweetness of the music
and the power of the
Holy is His name,
Johan Komrij
The original song can be found here:
Lyrics to
translate (set #1)
Lyrics to
translate (set #2)
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to duplicate and share these song for all "not-for-profit" purposes
(web site background, recordings, corporate worship, give-away copies).
Please contact New Hope for other uses. Thanks !!!