Encouraging people around the world since
1991 !!
A walk through the Scriptures
(Musical service that used
10 New Hope Music songs,
presented in South Africa)
Order of service for Sunday 03/07/04
Choirs are only mentioned in the Old Testament in the history of the Bible. Musicians were taken exclusively from the levitical families. They were professional musicians who lived in Jerusalem at the Temple.
In 1 Chronicles 24-25 the Levites are divide according to their different roles. Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun were set apart as musicians and prophets. According to 2 Chronicles 35:15; 1 Chronicles 25:1, 6-7
It is clear from these and many other passages in the Old Testament that music and in particular singing was left up to the members of the tribe of Levi with regard to Worship.
Women early in Israel's history sang and danced however it was in celebration of victory in returning from victory. Miriam sang at the overthrow of the Egyptians Exodus; women sang and danced for conquering David; Jephthah's daughter met her father with timbrels and dance upon his return from battle.
The Levites fulfilled a mediatory role in the Old Testament system of worship. Only through the Levites could the children of Israel approach God. It was for this reason that they alone could arrange and perform music to the Lord. Their priestly duty involved worshipping God in music.
And so the Levites were the only ones to form the Temple choir. One of the priestly duties was to perform and to lead the music. The choir consisted of a minimum of twelve adult male singers. They served between the age of thirty and fifty with a five year training period. The Mishnah even laid out the minimum and maximum number of specific instruments allowed. These were trained organised choirs.
In the New Testament there is a very different picture.
When the temple was destroyed in 70 AD the choir disappeared. There were no choirs in the Synagogues because these were places of instruction rather than worship. There was three forms of public singing of the Scriptures, It might be called responsive singing. The Leader would chant or sing the first part then the congregation would sing or chant the same part or the second part.
Now in the New Testament in contrast to the minority priesthood, all of God's people are priests through the blood of Christ. Revelation 1:5-6; 1 Peter 2:5
As a direct result of Christ's atoning death on the cross, a powerful and definite swing from divided, segregated worship as in the Levitical system, to united and corporate worship through the blood of Christ, has taken place. We are encouraged to worship God in a united and corporate way today. We are now all to sing Psalms, Hymns and spiritual songs.
Junior Choir
Thank you, friends, for helping New Hope Music
encourage the saints in South Africa !!!
- Ralph Merrifield