people around the world since 1991 !!
[Video - Choir] [Karaoke Video]
[MIDI Instrumental] [PDF Songsheet]
a lively celebration of Christ's resurrection
written by Rev. Stephen
M. Misarski
Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord
Hallelujah, death is no more
Hallelujah, hope is restored
Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord
1. He was dead in the grave
And all hope had vanished away
He arose; He’s alive
And I’m ready to shout it on high (chorus)
2. I was dead in my sins
Bound for hell and darkness within
By His love, I’m alive
Heaven’s gates are opened wide (chorus)
3. We’re alive in the Son
Longing for the day He will come
In a flash, trumpet blast
Christ the Victor will raise us at last !
Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord !!
Johan Komrij Karaoke Video with vocal Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord
Johan Komrij Karaoke Video 1 Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord
Johan Komrij Karaoke Video 2 Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord
Johan Komrij MP3 Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord
Fred Scorza PDF Sheet Music Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord
Fred Scorza MIDI arrangement Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord
Adrian V. Miller MIDI Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord
Adrian V. Miller
PDF Song Sheet
Hallelujah, Jesus Is
New Hope Worship Team
(Practice) MP3
Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord
New Hope Worship
Team (Easter 2010) MP3
Hallelujah, Jesus Is
Jay Droz MP3
Hallelujah, Jesus Is
I am listening to the song:
"Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord"
by Stephen M. Misarski on your website.
It is a great song and I wondered if it is permissible to
play this song and sing it in our Easter Sunday Service?
We are a small church with 100 in the congregation
in Perth, Western Australia. (Pastor
Neil, from Australia)
Sung by over 200 soldiers in Iraq,
Easter Sunday 2003 !!!
Easter service by the Euphrates River in Iraq
where they sang "Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord"
We are
teaching our Malay/Chinese church three New Hope songs
this coming Palm Sunday: "Hosanna
(It’s Jesus!)", "Holy, Holy, Holy"
and "Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord".
I have used your music before and
love what you are all doing.
We are an
English speaking church but
I bet I can get your songs translated into Mandarin and Bahassa Maylay
for wider distribution. Wouldn’t it be great to have your songs sung in
the Underground church of China !? (Doug,
from Malaysia)
Pastor Steve Misarski, baptising a soldier
at the same Easter Sunrise service in Iraq
The Easter service was really
we sang
"Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord",
"Center Of My Soul"
and "How Awesome Is This Place"...
I have been telling everybody about how I happened to find your site and the
lovely music one can find there for all situations in life. We were also
in charge
of setting up the Altar of Repose and it was beautiful...
while in prayer, "Search Me O God" was
Your songs have helped us to be
united with the Lord in a very special way.
(Pamela, from
Happy Easter to you and your
team. I am coming from Sunday Service
where we sang & distributed 120 copies of "Hallelujah, Jesus Is
People liked it very much... people from different countries were
and they happily took the song sheets.
(Samson, from
Used as a background
on a church web site in Texas
into Português (Brasil) by
Daniel Borges,
from Sao Paulo, Brazil
Português (Brasil) translation
Translated into Afrikaans by
Liz Van Heerden, from South Africa
Afrikaans translation
Translated into
Polish and Spanish by
Jay Droz, from Florida
Polish translation
Spanish translation
... our little inner city Baptist
church did Rev. Misarski's
wonderful song
"Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord"..
What a lovely song...Our choir really enjoyed it...simple, majestic...wow!
Your own work, Ralph, is highly tuneful and singable...
and I encourage you to keep on writing...!
(email from Brian)
We are using the wonderful song by
Rev. Steve Misarski - "Hallelujah! Jesus Is
Lord!" -
in our Easter Sunday evening concerts... I have done a track for it and
senior choir will be singing ... they love it ... and to know how and
where it was composed is inspiring both to them and to me as a composer...
Please pass on my sincere thanks to Rev. Misarski... Those
who are set here
to provide music for God's army - must continue to do so...and bravely
hedging the topics or making them 'candy sweet'...our songs need to tell it like
it is...!
So, Steve's song is just that...honest and sweet in it's content!
(Brian, from
Pastor Steve Misarski
(November 2004)
I am from Taunton Mass and my Church is in New Bedford Mass. I am the choir Director at St. John The Baptist Church--Catholic Church. We are preparing for Easter and I want to use "Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord" by Stephen Misarski as our Meditation song after communion. (Victor, from Massachusetts)
We feature three other written by Steve,
"By The Waters Of Babylon",
"Arise, My Soul", and
"The Lion And The Lamb"
We are planning to sing
"Hosanna (It’s Jesus)" for Palm Sunday
and "Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord" for Easter.
We sang "He Shall Be Called" for
Christmas and everyone loved it.
Thanks so much for your wonderful songs.
THANK YOU!! It is pleasure to listen to your music.
I was looking for songs for my Sunday School class... these sound very interesting.
" Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord" is a catchy tune...
I fell in love with your songs. I sing some of them during devotion
I am a Sunday School teacher and deaconess in a Baptist Church
(Cora, from Massachusetts)
I am
sending this email from Sierra Leone, West Africa. I serve as the
Ag. Choir Coordinator of Bethel Temple Church Choir.
I came about your website late last month and I must inform you that
we did the following songs during the Easter period:
Hosanna ( It is Jesus !! )
Hallelujah (Jesus is Lord)
They are powerful songs and they blessed the Church. Both Song
ministrations were powerful. It is my intention for our Choir to learn and
Minister all your songs...
Many thanks for putting resources online and making it available for our
use in Sierra Leone.
(Hilary, from
Sierra Leone)
Part of the "I Am Persuaded" collection
You have our encouragement and permission
to duplicate and share this song for all "not-for-profit" purposes
(corporate worship, overheads, songbooks,
web sites, give-away copies).
Please contact New Hope for other uses. Thanks !!!
See other Palm Sunday,
Good Friday & Easter
Songs & Hymns
We will use
"Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord"
on Sunday morning (Easter 2004).
Every time I hear a New Hope song being played during our worship
the one thing I sense is purity. This is pleasing to the Lord.
(Linda, from New Hampshire)